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Free Assessment
AR Aging scrubbing and collections
Follow up of CMN's (on hold stop report)
Would you like a free assessment of your outstanding AR Aging, on hold stop report, outstanding sales orders 
and activity reports?
We run these reports and review them for issues.  Are claims being worked in a timely manner?  Is there a trend
in denials?  Is the on hold stop report being worked?  Are there outstanding sales orders that show delivered
that need to be addressed?  What was your activity the previous year compared to the current year?  Are your allowables in your price tables up to date?
Are processes in place to help reduce manual labor ?

We run your AR Aging report and "scrub" any outstanding claims that are over 30 days old.  We work the denials and resubmit any claims that need to be corrected or are not on file.  Cleaning up to get your account "flowing" takes approx 3 months.  Is your DSO under 60 ?  We will help you get this back on track.

We will send to and follow up with doctors on any outstanding CMN's.  We work the on hold stop report to identify any sales orders that are holding unnecessarily and get those released for billing and collections.  
Authorization renewals

We will obtain authorizations, including documentation needed to obtain them.  

Are your posters accurately applying payments ?  Are your payers set up to allow for electronic ERN's ?  If payments and denials are not posted correctly, this will effect your collections.
Benefits to Contracting vs in House Employees

You will have to pay your contractor the agreed-upon wages, but you are not responsible for the additional costs and obligations that come with an employee, such as workers' compensation, overtime, employment taxes, benefits, FMLA and ERISA. 
Dedicated Team

All of our staff have Brightree and DME experience.  You will have a dedicated team on your account vs multiple people who work on your account on and off.
Sample Cost of Hiring in House or Outsourcing
Sample Cost of hiring in house or outsourcing 
In-House Biller: 
1. Personnel Costs: 
o Salary for a billing specialist: $50,000 per year 
o Benefits (estimated at 25% of salary): $12,500 per year 
o Total annual personnel costs: $50,000 + $12,500 = $62,500 
2. Training and Development: 
o Estimated annual cost for training and certifications: $1,000 
3. Overhead: 
o Estimated annual overhead costs (office space, utilities, etc.): $5,000 
4. Total Annual Cost for In-House Billing: 
o Personnel costs: $62,500 
o Training: $1,000 
o Overhead: $5,000 
o Total: $68,500 
Outsourced Billing: 
1. Service Fees: 
o $35/hour x 160 hours per month = $67,200/year 
2. Total Annual Cost for Outsourced Billing: 
o Total: $67,200